Monday, December 8, 2014

How Big Is Your Dream?

Isn't it funny how age makes you think twice?  We all dream, some more than others.  When we're young children, we usually dream about a new bike or the latest toy that's touted on TV.  When we start our family, we dream what will they become?  We dream about a promotion or saving for a vacation.  It usually isn't till we're nearing retirement that we realize how precious life is and how important it is to use our time wisely.
That's when, I believe, we begin to dream of all the possibilities life has to offer.  That's when we begin to "DREAM BIG."
Of course, there are exceptions.  Some people can see the Big Picture early,. some later, some never.  Do you remember the old saying, "Better late than never, but better never late?"
Whatever stage in life you are, start DREAMING BIG NOW!  I did that when I started my Arbonne business.  I have learned from some of the most inspiring people in this company, that it's never too late.
Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
So start, thinking, believing and dreaming - BIG!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hustle & Bustle of Holiday Shopping

If you're anything like me, you enjoy the decorations and fanfare of the stores for the Holidays, however, you abhor the long lines, traffic jams in the parking lots and the general lack of politeness that seems to take over the shoppers and sales staff.  Every store runs countless sales.  People seem to think that this "1 Day Sale" is truly a "Once in a Lifetime" buy only to receive the hundredth advertisement announcing yet another "1 Day Sale" at the very same store!
So what's a shopper to do you ask?  Well, every year more and more people are becoming "ON LINE SHOPPERS" - sounds good to me.
Find this years Holiday Gifts @

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Empty Nester Syndrome

Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Independent many pieces of the pie are there?  When my youngest of 3 left for college, I was hit with the "Empty Nester Syndrome" & thus decided to add another slice in the pie by becoming a Consultant for Arbonne a Natural Health & Wellness company, which in the long run, saved my sanity, health & wealth.