Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Holiday Shopping Time

I love Christmas.  I love the decorations and entertaining.  I love visiting people and parties.  I love gift giving.  What I don't love is shopping in stores!  I don't like malls during the holidays.  But, wait?  I said I love decorations, so shouldn't I also love going to the Mall during the holiday season?  

Well, here's the issue I have, The people!   But, wait?  I said I love people?  Yes, I do.  But something happens to people at the holidays when they're shopping.  Everyone seems to forget what the real "Reason for the Season".  Everyone is in a rush, pushing and shoving and trying to get ahead on line, once they find the line, that is.  Now, the stores have less workers on staff, so if you are trying to purchase an item you are likely to search for an open cash register - and when you find one, there will be a long line.  

This has led me, for one, to do most of my shopping online.  I must say, it also has led to a bit of guilt for adding to the problems storekeepers are facing.  So what's the solution?  Perhaps, doing a bit of both - shopping both online and small buiness stores.

#smallbusiness  #shoponline  #reasonfortheseason  #christmas  #hanukkah #giftgiving

Friday, September 3, 2021

Part Time Everything: The Joy of Pleasing Clients

Part Time Everything: The Joy of Pleasing Clients:      I have heard from many businesses that during these days of Covid everyone is attempting to go over and above to please their clients ...

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Joy of Pleasing Clients

     I have heard from many businesses that during these days of Covid everyone is attempting to go over and above to please their clients while trying to keep their own business above water.  Somewhere, over the last few decades, stores especially, lost the premise "The Customer is Always Right."   Perhaps, now in this time of vieing for customers, we will see a return to civility in customer service. 

    As a small business owner, myself, in a Health & Wellness field, I pride myself in seeing that my Clients received the extra care when they make their purchases whether they order online themselves or request through me.  One such incident occurred yesterday that particularly made me feel extra happy.  I received a call requesting my advice on which product line I thought might be best for her.  After she placed her order she realized that instead of her normal 20% discount she was entitled to 40% + a free gift + free shipping.  This made her a very happy client which made me a very happy consultant!

    Sometimes the simplest things bring the biggest rewards.

#smallbusiness #clients #discount #health&wellness

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Business Challenge during Covid 19 Times

Almost 1 year ago the majority of  the US had no clue what the words Covid 19 meant.  If someone had said those words to me, I most likely would have thought it referred to some thing hidden, foreign, as in underworld, certainly sinister!  And that it has proven to be.  
Many people have lost jobs.  Most have had to find a way to work from home.  Some have re-invented a means of support.  Life has changed for everyone in more ways than one.  
How about you?  Were you one of the few clinging on by a thread?  Are you wishing, hoping there is an answer to your need?   If so, perhaps you one who need to "re-invent yourself".