Friday, December 22, 2017


Arbonne's past President, Rita Davenport, was a great influence on my life.  This phrase, CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE is meant to eliminate your mind from drifting to negative thoughts.
Imagine you are driving down the highway on you way home from the office. For no apparent reason you begin to think of an event which occurred during the day and you now start to dwell on the negative person, place or thing which happened.  Instead of focusing on this event, Rita encouraged us to repeat 3 times CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE.
After years of doing this, my mind has come to a point where it automatically says CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE when I think of a negative thought!!!
So, I'd say I owe a great big THANK YOU to Rita!
Anyone out there care to join me?  It's pretty simple.  CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE!

That's the way Arbonne rolls.

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