Friday, December 2, 2022

Holiday Time is Here Again = Are You Ready?

 December is here and If you are anything like me, you might be wondering "How can this be"?  Don't get me wrong.  I love all the holidays, especially Christmas.  I love decorating, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, lights, cookies, the music, I love going to church to see the nativity set up, I love going to the tree lighting in town.  I love all of it.

I just wish there wasn't such a rush that is associated with it.  You see, I believe in enjoying each holiday separetly.  That means starting with October - I have several family birthdays - followed by Halloween.  Now while my children are married and no longer living at home, I still enjoy decorating the outside of my home and of course giving out candy.  I live in a development where we receive close to 100 kids trick or treating and it is fun for all.

Next is followed by Thanksgiving.  Normally, a family traditional holiday focused around the table filled with food.   Wheather at home or not, this is usually weeks of decision making with regard to where, what, who & when all will be prepared.

Alas, December 1st!!!!  Now the above begings and oh yes, I almost forgot, Christmas Cards need to go out too.  

Merry Christmas to all and To All a Good Night!

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