Saturday, May 28, 2016

How many pieces of the pie are you?

I call myself "Part Time Everything."  A wife, mother, business owner, homemaker, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle washer.  Yep, that's me.
Of course, I have loved being married for 43 years (to the same man) although I will not pretend it has always been an easy road.  I am forever grateful for my three grown children (did I already say it has not always been an easy road?  But the job that I am enjoying the most right now is my MLM business.  Yes, I did say that.
I know many people can't fathom this as a legitimate business, but trust me it can be extremely lucrative.  One of the reasons I'm loving this current road I've been on for the past 9 years is that it is "PART TIME." 
I guess I should clarify that.  You see I actually work my business Part Time, however, by building a team I manage to get paid a full time salary.  Now, how can that not be good?
Add to it, a company that is constantly striving to assist and support, along with providing personal care and health & wellness products that I know to be the best on the market.
Interested?  Feel free to contact me or visit my website listed below.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Redirect Your Spending

Have you ever thought there might be a better way?  I mean....a better way to live a healthy life for yourself and your family.  Have you ever wondered how others seem to always be ahead of the game while you seem to take one step forward and two steps back?
For the past 9 years I have been fortunate to be a part of a business which allows me to not only purchase personal care and nutrition products for myself and my family, but also PAY me to use them.  How can this be, you ask?  If someone said this to me 10 yrs ago, my reaction would have been "Oh SURE"!  Fast forward, I happily can say, "It's TRUE"!
You can find out for yourself.  Take a few minutes & listen to this:

My wish for you is to have the very best you desire!

Feel free to message me any time for info.

Mary Blum
Arbonne International
Independent Consultant ID #16373991

Monday, May 9, 2016

Misconceptions of Network Marketing

I have been a part of a fantastic company for 13 years.  I am still baffled by peoples incorrect and misguided comments.  Why do individuals feel it is okay to give a thriving industry a bad rap.  In almost every case the remarks are unfounded and incorrect.
Granted not all Network Marketing companies are well run, however, not all "Companies" are well run.  While my experience in this industry has been limited to just ONE company, my experience with them these past 13 years has been one of outstanding satisfaction.
I have watched others go off to their supposedly 9 to 5 "JOB" which in reality is 7 to 7.  I have watched others be "Excessed" after 20 years employment.  Yet, many of these same people feel the need to criticize my business and industry.
The fact is:  I work on my own time frame.  I choose when and who I want to work with.  I work under an outstanding group of people with the highest sense of integrity.  I share and sell products that are the best on the market - #Pure #Safe #Beneficial #Vegan #Glutenfree and I teach others to do the same.
I realize this business is not for everyone.  If you are seeking a change, maybe this could be for you too.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day on Facebook

If you're anything like me, you're wondering....where were these kids all year long?  All of a sudden, out of the woodwork everyone has these wonderful kids?  Now don't get me wrong?  I'm sure mother's always loved their kids & their kids always loved their mothers, but NEVER has there been such an outpouring of wonderfulness, if you get my drift.  Mother's I've known have complained about grown adult children & children young & old complain about their mothers but now because there is a holiday dedicated to mothers & a place to post your feelings - EVERY MOTHER & EVERY CHILD is a living saint as has been seen on facebook .

My suggestion - Start showing your love every day not just Mother's Day!

Friday, May 6, 2016

If Mother's Day is not a joyous day......

Mother's Day is here again.  For many it's a joyous blessing, for others a day of sadness.  If unfortunately, you fall into this latter category, have no fear.  Whatever brought you to this time and place, remember there is always a reason.  We may not know it while we are here, but I trust and I wish for you the same that all questions are answered if not while here on earth, then in our next state, whatever that may be.
My hope for you is that you spend the day feeling the blessing of your own mother.  Remember that she gave you life, nurtured you and forever loved you.